Customer Agreement


       Terms and conditions

  • FameCheap always reserves the right to make changes on prices and offered products and services.
  • FameCheap accepts and undertakes that the member will benefit from the products subject to the contract, except for technical malfunctions.
  • FameCheap does not have to work with every customer. He can stop working with the client at any time. 
  • The customer agrees and undertakes that he will not reverse engineer the use of the site or take any other action to find or obtain the source code of them.
  • You are deemed to have accepted the "Information and Frequently Asked Questions" section in the category of the package you received.
  • In certain parts of the site, different rules and obligations specific to that section may be specified. Persons and organizations using these sections are deemed to have accepted these rules in advance.
  • To read the precautions we take to protect the personal information and privacy of our users and our general policy on this matter, please read the "Privacy Agreement" page. The user accepts that he/she will be deemed to have accepted all the provisions of this participation agreement from the moment he/she starts to benefit from the service and that the agreement will make a provision for himself/herself. The user hereby agrees to indemnify FameCheap for any damages incurred due to his/her violation of the obligations undertaken herein. FameCheap has the right of recourse to the user for any compensation and/or administrative/judicial fines that the user may have to pay to public institutions and/or third parties due to his/her breach of contract.
  • The customer accepts and declares that he will pay the fee to be determined by FameCheap for modules, requests and arrangements in addition to the web package he will purchase.
  • It is the responsibility of the individuals to back up the messages made with FameCheap application and is recommended by FameCheap. FameCheap cannot be held responsible for the loss, deletion or damage of messages due to not taking backups.
  • Package cancellation and package deletion can be done by the user via FameCheap. The person who cancels the package accepts that this process is irreversible. It is FameCheap's decision whether to delete any record of FameCheap or the user account terminated by the user himself. The user cannot claim any right or compensation for the deleted records.
  • This website may contain links or references to other websites that are not under FameCheap's Control. FameCheap is not responsible for the content of these sites or any other links they contain.
  • FameCheap's address, e-mail address, fixed and mobile phone lines and other contact information specified by the user in the registration form on the site or mobile application or updated by him later, by letter, e-mail, SMS, phone call and other means. has the right to reach the user for communication, marketing, notification and other purposes.
  • Copying the content of the site in whole or in part without permission,
  • The User is directly responsible for all kinds of damages that may arise from the sharing of information such as user name, password, usage rights, given to the users or determined by them, with third parties or organizations (the use of this information by persons other than the user). Likewise, the User cannot use personal information such as IP address, e-mail address, user name of another person on the internet, and cannot access or use other users' private information without permission. The user is deemed to have accepted any legal and penal liability that may arise due to such use.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use software that will threaten the security of the site, prevent the operation of the site, to carry out activities, to try to be done, and to receive, delete, change information.

Privacy Policy

FameCheap will not disclose personal information transmitted by users through the site to third parties. This personal information; It contains all kinds of other information to identify the User such as person's name-surname, address, telephone number, mobile phone, e-mail address, and will be referred to as 'Confidential Information' for short. not be used for other purposes. FameCheap requests some of your personal information (Name, age, e-mail, etc.) during the membership process in order to provide better service. This data collected on FameCheap; It is used within FameCheap for campaign works or special promotion activities for your profile. Except for your personal information; The statistical data of the transactions you have made on the site or through the mobile application are analyzed and stored by FameCheap. FameCheap does not share the information collected from the membership forms with third parties without the knowledge of the member in question or otherwise, and does not use or sell it for commercial purposes for any reason other than activity. FameCheap uses the Remarketing & Demographics and Interest Reporting features of Google Analytics. You can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize your Google Display Network ads using your ad settings. Demographic information provided by Google Analytics, FameCheap and the advertisements given by FameCheap, It is used to customize it according to the interests of our users. Customer information will only be disclosed to official authorities if requested by official authorities and in cases where it is obligatory to make a statement in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation. Your credit card information requested on the payment page is not kept on the mobile application of FameCheap and FameCheap or the servers of the companies serving it in order to keep the security of our valued customers at the highest level. In this way, all transactions for payment are made between the bank, paypal payment systems and your computer or phone via the FameCheap interface. You can always reach us by using the contact information below. Only the customer can access all the information that the customer enters into the system, and only the customer can change this information. It is not possible for anyone else to access and change this information. ( FameCheap) Email: info@FameCheap

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